Suffering From Hemorrhoids? Read This Helpful Advice!

Recommended hemorrhoid treatments include sitz baths, increased dietary fiber, more fluids, over the counter NSAID pain-relievers and good rest. You will only need surgery in a extreme case. Keep reading to learn more about what causes hemorrhoids and how you can get rid of them.

Doctors agree that including more fiber in your diet goes a long way in preventing hemorrhoids. Try eating more leafy greens, pastas, oatmeal and whole grain breads. The two major benefits of a high-fiber diet are that it prevents strain during bowel movements and it prevents constipation.

Better personal hygiene can help prevent the formation of external hemorrhoids. Use soft toilet paper that does not leave lint behind, and use a moist towelette to clean yourself after each bowel movement.

Witch hazel is very helpful for relieving discomfort, pain, and itching associated with hemorrhoids. This astringent will help shrink the hemorrhoids and bring relief. Soak a cotton ball with witch hazel and apply it to the affected area. Leave it in place for five or ten minutes. Witch hazel is also a good addition for sitz baths.

There are actually a lot of things in your own kitchen that you can use to relieve yourself from hemorrhoids. Ice packs are an effective home remedy for discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. Applying an ice pack offers relief from the soreness that hemorrhoids often produces. Ice packs made from home can decrease hemorrhoids swelling when they are put on the area that’s affected.

You should consider trying several available home remedies prior to paying a great deal for commercial treatments. Sitting in a sitz bath can decrease the inflammation, pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. Never scratch or rub itching hemorrhoids, as this will only make the problem worse. Try using a bit of witch hazel on a cotton pad to help relieve the itch. Fill your diet with plenty of fiber, and be sure to drink lots of water, at least eight glasses a day. This will make it easier for you to avoid straining during your bowel movements.

At the start of this article, some of the basics regarding hemorrhoids was covered, as well as information regarding hope for treatments. Hemorrhoids are very common and rarely require surgery. Most treatments can be done at home. By learning more about the common causes and making use of home treatments, most people can manage them and reduce their effects.

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